Its been so so so long since I ve posted! Having a blog is WORK! And really? Is someone going to want to actually read about the misadventures and whining of a fat girl in Seattle? If nothing else its always good to get thoughts down and maybe someone will get a kick out of it. I know I get a kick out of reading my previous posts. So the hot days have arrived, and this weekend was pretty miserable. When your pasty and have a lot of extra skin, you tend to avoid the sun. Too much surface to get burned!
So since May, what have I done? Well I went to Costa Rica. Great trip, really fun and interesting, but went by myself and ended up kinda lonley and missing my dog. Also I am still trying to recover financially. It was a lot more expensive then I anticipated!
Been dating here and there, CR, OKcupid, Match. Met someone, broke up after 6 weeks. Turns out he was toting a long a little more baggage then expected and I have enough of my own without taking on someone elses! So the search continues. Right now just living life, have taken over a temporary MA lead position which will be more money but also more headaches! Isnt that always how it is??
I will get better at this blogging stuff and post some pictures soon. Hope this posting finds everyone healthy and happy. Keeping wearing that SPF out there!