I was reminded today why I renewed my Netflix instead of getting expanded cable. While at the gym today, I was watching the various shows that were on the TVs above me. I frequently hear about certain TV series from other people who have cable, and when I finally get a chance to flip though channels myself, I am always shocked. The featured show at the gym today? Flavor of Love. If your not familiar with this painfully asinine show, let me bring you up to speed. Flavor of Love features Flavor Flav of Public Enemy fame. The guy is about 48 now, gold toothed, and still wears those ridiculous clocks around his neck. The show is basically the same premise as The Bachelor. Twenty chicks fight to win the affection of Flavor.....excuse me...."flava", by trying to out-wit, out-catfight, and out-hootchie each other. Not much wit here, but lots of hootchiness and catfighting. Its sad that these ladies feel so driven to degrade themselves on camera for some scrawny has-been rap star. This show is just SAD. I am going to go read a book now. Here's an sample of the carnage.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I am a Whore

Shoe whore that is. Do I spend hundreds of dollars on pumps from Nordstrom? No. Do I fight other women over the last pair of strappy sandels at Nine West? No. I have a guilty pleasure that only a few people know about. I buy shoes from resale shops. USED shoes! I know I know, parish the thought. Actually wearing used shoes? Gross. But you know whats even more disgusting? Spending $100.00 on that same pair of shoes that I may only wear a few times. I have done this for years now,(buying used shoes)and I assure you that I have never gotten any sort of crazy foot disease. Of course I still buy new shoes too, I wouldnt want my sweet bargain shoes getting lonley. Please behold the latest addition to my shoe family. True they might not see the light of day too often, but damn arnt they kicky?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I Wouldnt Say I Was Missing It Bob

Ahhhh finally! Xmas is over, family has gone home and I have a whole six days left before I have to go back to work. I know there are lots of things I SHOULD be doing today......gym, wash the dog, catch an after xmas sale. But right now, just watching some movies, sipping some coffee and doing my toenails is pretty heavenly.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Holidaze!!
Daze is right! I am so full on ham, cookies, chocolate and booze I cant see straight! And its not over yet! Its only 15 minutes into Christmas and I still have to visit my main peeps in West Seattle tomorrow for MORE food and merriment! I have already received some lovely gifts; a sweet new wallet, cash, some pretty earrings, and some beautiful pillars for holding candles. I did however receive one gift that is still a mystery. Its from Ikea and from someone I trust wouldn't give me a useless gift. I just don't know what its used for! It's two beautifully painted flower pot type things each one with its own wooden block to stand on and two tiny little wooden spoons. Any ideas? I am sure there are lots of things I could use them for, I just want to use them for what they were made for :)
Anyhow, I hope this entry finds everyone happy and healthy. I am very blessed this season with good health, wonderful family and friends, and a warm bed to sleep in tonite. Below is my mystery present, any help would be great.
Anyhow, I hope this entry finds everyone happy and healthy. I am very blessed this season with good health, wonderful family and friends, and a warm bed to sleep in tonite. Below is my mystery present, any help would be great.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
We're finally Ready!!!

I have some cookies baked,
took a xmas photo with my "child"
and finally got my xmas shopping done............
for myself!
Treated myself to a new fancy digital camera. Finally no more
five minute wait time for the flash to go off!
Its still hard to get into the mood. I love the holidays, but it seems no matter
what I am still running around like crazy trying to take care of some little details
that no one would have missed anyhow.
Next week......VACATION!!!! Hopefully I will be able to sit around, do some post
holiday shopping and relax a little!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Good For What ALES You

A whiskey connoisseur I am not, and I don't keep a big supply of liqueur at home, so an "airplane bottle" of whiskey (or 2) worked pretty good. I hear it on good authority (my brother) that Jamison is the ideal whiskey for this tasty concoction.
Finally Vertical!
Blah! I hate being sick! After two days of staying in, I still feel crappy, but at least today I am vertical and putting a little time in at the Belltown clinic thanks to copious amounts of coffee and RIICCOOLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. The only thing that saved me from going crazy yesterday was the mailman. Finally discs 1,2, and 3 of Big Love season 2 came. Unfortunately I didn't pace myself and watched all nine episodes yesterday..........I have no self control! So my lazy Sunday tomorrow might actually consist of reading, housework and catching up on This American Life, that is if I am not coughing up a lung!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Yea for polygamy!!!!
Season two of Big Love is being released tomorrow! I have the last week of Dec off, and although I plan on getting out and doing lots of fun stuff, this little gem is going to be especially nice to indulge in after the Christmas bru ha ha. If you've never seen this quirky series, I highly recommened it. It truly helped me in the greiving process of Six Feet Under
Back to the Grind
I love my job, I really do. The staff, patients, my little desk with Pandora playing and a good cup of espresso......its all good. But after a weekend with no time schedule, its particularly painful to come back to work. I think that my goal in life is to now work just long enough that I can spend my days as I wish. This weekend was the first weekend in about a month were I could do ANYTHING I wanted, and it was BLISS! Sleeping late, lounging with my coffee, dog park trips. I did have to change the battery in my car, which was a pain in the ass. Have you ever tried to schlep a car battery on the bus with you? Other than that it was a beautiful weekend. Drinks with a cute boy, catch up time with my lovely sister in law and brother, photography, the last few episodes of Rome, whipping up huge batches of coconut curry truffles and cashew brittle.....mmmmmmmm. I hate Mondays :(

Coconut Curry Truffles
12 oz good quality bittersweet chocolate
2 cups heavy cream
2 tbs vanilla
1 tbs butter
1 tbs curry powder
1 tsp chili powder
6 oz toasted coconut
Chop up chocolate as fine as possible (if your not buying chips) and place in a deep stainless steel bowl. Heat up cream in a heavy sauce pan with butter just until it starts to boil stirring constantly. Pour cream over chocolate and let sit for 5 min. Stir chocolate and cream until totally mixed. Add curry and chili powder. Pour ganache into a 13x9 pan or baking sheet and chill for 4-12 hours. When set, with a spoon or small melon baller, place scoops of the ganache on parchment paper and place in freezer for about 15 min. They should be cold enough for you to handle and mold into balls. Roll balls of ganache in toasted or untoasted coconut and place in fridge. These keep very well in the fridge for a few weeks and in the freezer for a couple of months.
Coconut Curry Truffles
12 oz good quality bittersweet chocolate
2 cups heavy cream
2 tbs vanilla
1 tbs butter
1 tbs curry powder
1 tsp chili powder
6 oz toasted coconut
Chop up chocolate as fine as possible (if your not buying chips) and place in a deep stainless steel bowl. Heat up cream in a heavy sauce pan with butter just until it starts to boil stirring constantly. Pour cream over chocolate and let sit for 5 min. Stir chocolate and cream until totally mixed. Add curry and chili powder. Pour ganache into a 13x9 pan or baking sheet and chill for 4-12 hours. When set, with a spoon or small melon baller, place scoops of the ganache on parchment paper and place in freezer for about 15 min. They should be cold enough for you to handle and mold into balls. Roll balls of ganache in toasted or untoasted coconut and place in fridge. These keep very well in the fridge for a few weeks and in the freezer for a couple of months.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
I almost died y'all!
I have GOT to be more careful! I was crossing 24th Ave last night in Ballard, when I THOUGHT that no cars were coming, I was wrong.....
I got side swiped by a car taking a tiny chunk out of my thumb as it took a piece out of the girl's side mirror. Yikes! Fortunately she told me that it was already broken and not to worry about it. One more lesson learned when riding at night!
I got side swiped by a car taking a tiny chunk out of my thumb as it took a piece out of the girl's side mirror. Yikes! Fortunately she told me that it was already broken and not to worry about it. One more lesson learned when riding at night!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Cheesy Goodness
I hate that phrase, its so cheesy. But tonite as I was riding up 8th Ave, a nice older lady yelled this out to me while she was waiting to cross the street. A little cheese can be nice sometimes :)
I hate that phrase, its so cheesy. But tonite as I was riding up 8th Ave, a nice older lady yelled this out to me while she was waiting to cross the street. A little cheese can be nice sometimes :)
First Post!
Ok, here it goes, I 've joined the world of blogging! I 've always done a little half ass blog on my-space, but as someone who's on the cusp of their.......gulp.......late thirties, I think its time to do something a bit more.......mature? I use this term loosely I assure you.
I guess I feel I am sort of at a crossroads in my life. A journey I was to take that I thought was a sure thing, has not materialized. I am not a mother, or a wife, or a homeowner; all things that society says I should have in my life by this time. What stupid pressures to put myself under right?
I know the universe is pushing me to go into a different direction, and I intend to find out where that is. This next year FUN is on the agenda. I am going to follow my bliss and do things that are good for my mind, body and soul. More biking, more photography, more spontaneity, more travel and more sleeping in!
Maybe putting my thoughts down on a regular basis will put things in perspective and remind me whats important and what isnt.
Hope you enjoy reading!
I guess I feel I am sort of at a crossroads in my life. A journey I was to take that I thought was a sure thing, has not materialized. I am not a mother, or a wife, or a homeowner; all things that society says I should have in my life by this time. What stupid pressures to put myself under right?
I know the universe is pushing me to go into a different direction, and I intend to find out where that is. This next year FUN is on the agenda. I am going to follow my bliss and do things that are good for my mind, body and soul. More biking, more photography, more spontaneity, more travel and more sleeping in!
Maybe putting my thoughts down on a regular basis will put things in perspective and remind me whats important and what isnt.
Hope you enjoy reading!
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