Shoe whore that is. Do I spend hundreds of dollars on pumps from Nordstrom? No. Do I fight other women over the last pair of strappy sandels at Nine West? No. I have a guilty pleasure that only a few people know about. I buy shoes from resale shops. USED shoes! I know I know, parish the thought. Actually wearing used shoes? Gross. But you know whats even more disgusting? Spending $100.00 on that same pair of shoes that I may only wear a few times. I have done this for years now,(buying used shoes)and I assure you that I have never gotten any sort of crazy foot disease. Of course I still buy new shoes too, I wouldnt want my sweet bargain shoes getting lonley. Please behold the latest addition to my shoe family. True they might not see the light of day too often, but damn arnt they kicky?
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