Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tell Mama Where It Hurts

I love watching the Olympics, but I ve been getting a little burnt out on watching them. I love the swimming, running, and cycling the best. Gymnastics I can take or leave; I mean why would I want to watch a bunch of skinny girls bouncing around contorting their bodies into shapes I could never dream of getting in? However, there was one important detail about gymnastics I forgot about. MEN's gymnastics!!!
This Housten based athlete was on the rings and stopped me dead in my tracks as I was scanning through channels. Apparently it was his one chance for gold and he blew it, but damn he looked fine doing it.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Its been so so so long since I ve posted! Having a blog is WORK! And really? Is someone going to want to actually read about the misadventures and whining of a fat girl in Seattle? If nothing else its always good to get thoughts down and maybe someone will get a kick out of it. I know I get a kick out of reading my previous posts. So the hot days have arrived, and this weekend was pretty miserable. When your pasty and have a lot of extra skin, you tend to avoid the sun. Too much surface to get burned!

So since May, what have I done? Well I went to Costa Rica. Great trip, really fun and interesting, but went by myself and ended up kinda lonley and missing my dog. Also I am still trying to recover financially. It was a lot more expensive then I anticipated!

Been dating here and there, CR, OKcupid, Match. Met someone, broke up after 6 weeks. Turns out he was toting a long a little more baggage then expected and I have enough of my own without taking on someone elses! So the search continues. Right now just living life, have taken over a temporary MA lead position which will be more money but also more headaches! Isnt that always how it is??

I will get better at this blogging stuff and post some pictures soon. Hope this posting finds everyone healthy and happy. Keeping wearing that SPF out there!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Walmart Update

Got this e-mail from Cowbelly today.....

"Hi Karen!

First things first, the Wal-Mart execs LOVED Sam. Jamie thinks that he is a definite candidate for the finished products!

That being said, since Wal-Mart owns the images that Jamie took, she can't use them for ANYTHING! Not even her blog as far as I know. IF they choose not to use the images of sam for the dog food THEN Jamie can show them to you but can't e-mail or post them anywhere that anyone else can see them.

So when this whole process is finally over, (cross your fingers for the end of this week!) she will know who can see the images and who can't. For now all we can do is sit tight and wait to hear the final word from Wal-Mart."

Are you kidding?

What women actually answer this CR ads?..........seriously

Soothing Relaxing Massage for a Woman Tonight (limited offer) - 35

Reply to: pers-655433366@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-04-24, 9:51PM PDT

stressed, wanna pamper yourself with a free massage? layback and enjoy having someone pamper you for a change.

Monday, April 28, 2008

3 weeks and counting

Its almost here!!!.....In three weeks I will be on my way to the beaches of Costa Rica! I was excited two months ago, but now that its almost here I can hardly stand it. I ve purchased almost everything I need except sunscreen and bug spray which I am sure I can get once I am there. My mom is insisting that I do not get drunk and "hook up with boys" while I am there.... (Rolling my eyes)......I am definitely going to be drinking, but hooking up with strange men in a Central American Country just isn't my style....she should sleep better knowing that. (I should probably bring some condoms just in case........someone else might need them you know!) I was very pleased to find a sexy bathing suit this weekend that doesnt make me look too much like a beached whale and actually gives some support to the girls...(gravity be damned). I am going to try my best to just sit around and relax while I am there, but I ve decided to do a sailing trip, do the zip line, and do an evening sea turtle watch. I figure between those activities and sitting on the beach, I should be doing fine.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sam and the Devil Strike a Deal

Sam is tired of being some no-name mutt in the hood. He wants fame! He wants fortune!! Actually I want the fortune and he just wants a new tennis ball.

Sam finally had his chance to shine yesterday at his very first photoshoot at Discovery Park with Jamie Pflughoeft of Cowbelly photo. Sam and eight other dogs were put in various poses and shots, until finally the other five (loser) dogs were sent home and Sam and two others were left to have their pictures taken together.

Of course fame has its price, when it was finally asked what this shoot was for, they told us that Walmart (the devil in this tale) was creating new covers for their dog food bags. Yes, I threw up a little in my mouth too, but whats a stage mother to do? How can I not let Sam reach his full doggie potential?

Anyhow, after a long day on the "set", Sam and I both went to bed early. Being famous is hard work!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I am glad I am barren......

Actually I cant say I am barren...I havent really attempted to see if my uterus can do the work it was intended to do. Lately I sorta feel like I am so behind reproduction wise......but I met a patient today whos my age who has a 5 year old GRANDSON........

I think I am ok with not having a child yet........

Monday, March 31, 2008

Gee Gads

Got my title in the mail Saturday. I am now the proud owner of a broken down car.....whoo hoo!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just When I Think I am Safe........

The powers of the universe come to get me! My new (used) beautiful, yellow Volvo station wagon has blown a head gasket!!! The kind folks at Daisywagon tell me that it would be better to just sell the car for parts. I am wondering if I should just put a new engine in? Ugh.....luckily I live close to work and some nice watering holes, so I am pretty lucky that way. Maybe this is life telling me to just ride my bike more often? .....ugh man.....life!

Of course all of this happens after I put a chunk on money down on my Costa Rican vacation.....but to hell with it......I am going and I am going to have a great time and relax regardless. There are worse things than not having a vehicle.....like being a bitch, or having 6 toes!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Prayers Have been Answered!

First time I used this thing, I got almost a whole safeway bag of fur.......no joke


Monday, February 4, 2008

So much to Tell

Well I am finally moved! Thanks to everyone for keeping their eyes peeled for me! I settled on a little place in Wallingford. Smaller place, more rent.....but thats Seattle for you. Its actually quite cozy.....at least I think so. Its been a challenge trying to figure out the furniture situation, considering my living room is pretty narrow and tiny......and not really a room. Gone is my big comfy couch, in is a practical Ikea futon couch, and an obnoxiously huge Love Sac ( its big and red....sounds dirty doesnt it?) And dammit, I am going to have to get a flat screen TV.....what a drag (hah!) Pictures will follow as soon as I get my internet hooked up at home.

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, turns out I share my birthday with Alice Cooper...nice huh? I had a lovely pre-birthday bash with friends at House of Hong and then a viewing of Cloverfield. Great movie, but it made my tummy a little erpy with the crazy camera work. Tonite my sweet new beau is picking me up for dinner and whatever else tickles my fancy. Getting older isnt so bad after all

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So Fed Up with Scammers!!!!

Ok, I wouldnt consider myself a genius, but I know a scam when I see one. When inquiring about an VERY cheap apt in the downtown area for rent....this is the e-mail response I got.

I am so sorry i did not get in touch with you on time, because i was very ill in which i was
in the hospital receivng my treatment. I got your email and Thanks for your interest in
my 2 Bedroom Apartment, i want you to know that my 2-Bedroom Apartment is still very
much available now for $950 per month at Apartment Address, The Apartment is fully with All Necessary Document
registered, I am Glad you respond to me on time, i want you to know that i and My wife
are very happy and EXCITED that we have finally FOUND a person for our APARTMENT, i
want you to PROMISE us that you will take very good care of the APARTMENT because is
a LOVELY place to stay with FAMILY, Kids,Visitors, E.T.C

Actually my Wife and I got relocated to the West Africa on a Christian missionary work
in Nigeria to be praise, we are here for missionary trip from the Seattle We used to live
Seattle, but since we left for the missionary trip we have to bring the Apartment's
Document papers of the House because of People Who are willing to have the Apartment
for Rent, And as you asked For, so right now all the House Papers Document are with Our
Lawyer here in the West Africa, We Just Got a Lawyer Here in the West Africa, because
we are New to the Country, and we are not Yet a Citizen Of the country, so we really need
to get a Lawyer for Back-up, in which we will be staying in West Africa Nigeria
for 1-3 Yrs in which all our house Papers Document of the APARTMENT in USA is With the
Lawyer Because, We have been Provided a New Apartment, Accomodation, feeding ,
here in the West Africa Nigeria, by the Church who brought i and my husband to the West

If you are interested in our lovely Apartment,get back to me with your

Full Address ----------
Phone number--------
email Address---------
Fax Number------------
marriage Status-------
Picture If Available----

And Let me Know How many Month or Years You are Willing to Rent my Apartment--

So that i can Forward all your information Directly to The Lawyer and the Lawyer will
Get in touch with you, In the Paying of the Apartment Fee, Agreement of Month or Years
You are Willing to Stay and the Sending of the Document to you for you to have the
Apartment, the Document will be scan to you and also be Fax to You, if you have a
Fax, and the Document will be Shipped Down to your Home Address Door Next-Day By
Via EXPRESS DELIVERY, for you to have the Document at Hand, so you can move into
the Apartment, we really need a Good Decent Person for The Apartment .And i Hope you
are Decent And Respectfully Person, I have Attached you The Pictures of The Apartment
for you to View, If you are interested,get back to me with the Informations Above
as soon as possible Hope to read from you soonest

Thanks And God Bless You.

What happens to the poor people who fall for this?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful


And how! I dont know about anyone else, but I have a sleet/snow mix coming down hard at my place! I was hoping to do some errands tonite, but I think that might be out. Its a good night to stay in and start packing my stuff. Still havent found a place, but hopefully by the time I am done packing my boxes up I will have a new home for said boxes
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ok, I am better now

Ok ok.....So I have to be out of my cozy apt in two weeks. I have some good leads on places and should be getting $2000 at the time I turn in my keys. The best part??? I DONT HAVE TO CLEAN THE PLACE!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Motherfuckin Developers!


UGH!!! When my apt building was sold last month to a developing company I e-mailed them right away and asked them POINT BLANK if there were any plan to do a condo conversion and this is the e-mail I got back TWO weeks ago

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:34:14 -0800
From: Stephanie Jenkins
To: kcnolan@u.washington.edu
Subject: RE: Apt ownership transition
View|Save 1 OK ~25 lines Text (charset: ISO-8859-1)
View|Save 2 Shown ~46 lines Text (charset: ISO-8859-1)

Thanks for the heads up, Karen. I appreciate it.
We will definetly keep in touch with all the current residents in regards
to any future plans for the buidiing. As of right now we don't have
anything scheduled.

Have a great New Year!

Take care,

Stephanie Jenkins

Company Manager
Real Estate Professional

4200 196th St SW, Suite 201
Lynnwood WA 98036

So what do I get on my door today? The above letter! And whats this bullshit about the first three people getting money for moving??

I am so fed up with what Ballard is becoming! Condos everywhere!

I shall rant about this for a while, so please bear with me. If anyone knows of any good places for rent please let me know!

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Can You Stand It??



I rant a lot......mostly about things that probably arnt too significant to others or the world at large. And my favorite rant is how much I LOVE resale shops!!! Recycling and cheap quality clothes....Win for me, Win for the environment! Here are my latest deals: A cute Kavu beanie (retail $20) and a NEW pair of Nike trailrunners ($60 retail) Will I be running trails? Not likely, but my old tennis shoes are looking pretty sorry, and with another three months of nastiness coming our way, they will come in handy for tooling around. My grand total for this evening's shopping trip? $22 and change. Yeaaaaaaaa ME!
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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cilantro is not a Vile Weed

This is probably one of the funniest websites someone has shared with me in a long time. Who doesnt like cilantro? mmmmmmm!!!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Somewhere, Elvis is Crying

This really happens.......middle aged guys....jammin out about their boner medicine.

Friday, January 4, 2008

WUV.....True Wuv..........

On again , off again, on again, off again. Thats been my M.O. in regards to the wagon of love (I didnt know there was a wagon of love either..). The whole online dating scene has been a bit sketchy for me.....so why do I continue to do it? Because I am lazy...hahah ......and even though I still havnt found THE guy, I seem to always come back for more. I dont know if there's an ideal time to start a relationship. Right now seems like as good of time as any; my schedule isnt booked out like it used to be, I am slowly getting back into shape.....and God Dammit...I am a sexy broad! So I am putting myself back out there once again and trying very hard not to let the cynical side of me show through too much. Wish me luck!

how to get a boyfriend

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!


I am home safe, sober and already in my PJ's. Boring I may be, but I had great company, a few beers and saw a good firework show. Life is great. I hope the new year finds everyone happy and healthy!
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